Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Men are more intelligent than women, claims new study
Clerkin, B., & Macrae, F. (2006, September 14 ). Men are more intelligent than women, claims new study, Mail Online. Retrieved from http://dailymail.co.uk/news/article-405056/Men--intelligent-women-claims-new-study.html
This article discusses the fact that men are more intelligent than women. It is a new study which shows men’s IQ is almost four points higher than women’s. A British researcher thinks that race influences intelligence. He also thinks that the glass ceiling is caused by a low rate in intelligence rather than discrimination. He has a test taken by 100,000 students aged 17 and 18 of both genders. The result of his study is that male teenagers had higher IQs points in these abilities: verbal reasoning skill, creativity and some of the key ingredients of intelligence. In addition, the researcher argues that the faster maturing of girls leads to them do better than boys in classrooms. He believes that most of the differences are related to brain size, which usually refers to the men having larger brains than women. Finally, he mentions some qualities at the end of the article that reinforce his study and said that men are more intelligent than women.
I was interested in this article because it discussed my favorite argument about who is more intelligent, men or women? In this study, the researcher thought the race is one of the biggest factors influencing intelligence. I completely believe him on this point. Also, I agree with him when he mentioned: “males averaging higher on the test of ‘spatial ability’ and females higher on verbal tests”. I caught new information about the brain size that influences intelligence. I agree with his opinions of some qualities that he assumed implied the men are more intelligent than women. In fact, there are some points in his article that will support me in my argument and also in my survey form.
Fahad Alghamdi
RRJ 2: Men are cleverer than women’ claim
BBC News. (2005, August 25). Men are cleverer than women’ claim. Retrieved from: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/uk_news/education/4183166.stm
This study claims that men are cleverer than women on average five points ahead on IQ tests. The researchers assume the difference increases when the highest IQ levels are considered. Their research depends on the important factor that there was no difference between the IQ of boys and girls until the age 14, but beyond that age the differences will be there. Also, from the study Dr. Irwing found a widening gap between the sexes. In addition, he explained that men achieve more in many different men are more clever in several ways. His co- author believes in the genetic and environmental influences on intelligence. Finally, in this article, there are many comments that argue with their claim and some of them think there was shortage in some aspects of the study.
I was very interested in this article, not only because of the title (Men cleverer then women’), but because this study showed the positive aspects which influence the men’ intelligence. Also, this study argued with many previous studies that talked about the women being more intelligent. In my opinion, I think it is still difficult to find clear standards or IQ tests to show which gender is more intelligent. Also, there are some cultural and interesting influences in determining who is more intelligent. I think in this article, the researchers used a test to measure the verbal ability of the men and women. In addition, I like this article because there were different opinions and comments at the bottom of the article. Some of them were not convinced with the results of the article. They thought this article focused on race and color and ignored the others or maybe they are women. So, they got angry because the men were cleverer than them. The other comments are almost satisfied with the result. In short, I was glad about the article, but I think the result of the research could not be exactly right.
Fahad Alghamdi
Friday, May 6, 2011
Abdullah. He’s Not as Smart as He. Thinks
Raymond, J. (2008, January 23). He’s Not as Smart as He. Thinks. Newsweek. Retrieved April 24, 2011, 11 from http://www.newsweek.com/2008/01/22/he-s-not-as-smart-as-he-thinks.html
There were 30 in the UK studies showed that men and women are equal in IQ tests. Men are better in specialized skills, and reading maps and navigating. Women are better in language, and emotional intelligence. All researchers agree that there is no difference between the to genders in IQ tests. Women expect their scores to be 5 scores lower than their real score. In the other hand, men always expect their selves get higher scores than their real score. The results were equal in all the countries that there was a study in it. People who are in the top of the IQ or at the bottom usually are men. Men and women both think that men are smarter than women, so they think that their fathers are smarter than their mothers, and their sons are smarter than their daughters.in schools studies shoed that girls are doing better than boys in all subjects.
I agree with the other that women are smarter than men in language and emotional intelligence, but there are not equal in IQ because men are always in the top of the IQ. I agree in the point that says that men always overstate their IQ score. But I don’t have any idea that women expect their score to be 5 point lower than their real grade. Men and women think that men are smarter in all generations, I believe the other in this point because as he said, people think that their fathers are smarter than their mothers, and their sons are smarter than their daughters. In this point, that girls are smarter than boys at school and they are doing better in all subjects, I disagree, because boys are doing batter than girls in math and science according to a lot of studies. In conclusion, this article was interesting to read but I disagree with the other in some points
Friday, April 22, 2011
The med guru your health first. (2007,April) (How to improve IQ of a child?)
Retrieved on 2011,April 8. From: http://www.themedguru.com/story/how-improve-iq-child.html
Intelligence is expressed early and it contains what we should know or learns how to teach our children. First question is how the brain works? And what the brain consist? There is ten lessons that explain everything. Watch what you eat to be aware about your health. Make the brain bloom to focus easily. Nurture the intelligence because it is become with the baby and try to help him or her with that. Get the whole picture to about what is clear or not clear and how you make your child fun-filled. Never raise artificial obstacles or try letting him or her choose what ever he or she want to do with fun activities. Never restrain thinking in the name of discipline to teach them how to understand or how to learn. Use age -appropriate play methods that means think about his age before you play with him or her to know how to dealing with them, because it depends on the age of the child. Visual stimulus the right companion teaches the child how to know about the colors even if he is not able to talk fluently. Do not think math is equal to intelligence because there is a big difference between them. Move from concrete to the abstract that show which examples you should use with child.
These ways to improve our children is very useful because it shows how to be successful father or mother. When I read this article it makes me feel good to know how I improve my children in the future, because when I am a father I like to teach my children in these ways. I really like these ways or studies because it is help. It shows me the difference between the ages of the children, which is very important to teach them in the right way. It is not easy to raise your children in what you want, because they need some strategy to teach them. In short, I think I might to teach my children in these ways that I read in this article.
Who are smarter – men or women?
Cohen, Yi Hsin. (2010, October 16). Who are smarter – men or women? About intelligence. Retrieved April 12, 2011 from http://www.aboutintelligence.co.uk/who-smarter-men-women.html
In the article, the author talked about men and women, and who was smarter than the other. He mentioned that the psychologists agreed with no gender differences in intelligence; however, the research offers that men have mental advantages. Then he said one study showed that the men have larger brain with a 100g difference, but it was impossible to reach a conclusion about how intelligence itself was defined and measured because the size was not significant about intelligence. Then he talked about the women and men throughout the history, and he said that the women were underrepresented while the men were achieving distinction of mental ability, and this was returned to the poor educational opportunities women have had in the past. Moreover, although most top position required sacrifice of time, women tended to families more than career or achievements. He said that our society tended to value scientific achievement, and the people who are involved in science must be intelligent. Then he explained that there might be other reasons that women do not end up in the sciences. Then the author mentioned that IQ tests showed the average of women and men IQ to be equal. However, evidence showed that the women were able to achieve more than the men at the same IQ level. Then he said the IQ tests were still widely debated. Therefore, the tests could be said to measure a number of mental abilities. Finally, the author said that we could not forget that the men have more brain tissue, and they got higher IQ scores when we asked who are smarter. In fact, female students tended to get better grades in schools, and most people did not care about IQ scores on actual jobs.
I enjoyed reading this article because it is interesting and after all of that research, the researchers could not define intelligence, and they could not find who is smarter, even with the evidence that they found. In this article, I do not agree with the author about some points; for example, when he said that women are under-represented in areas of achievement throughout past history, and many women choose to direct their energies towards family rather than career or other outside achievements. I think he talked about one society, but as I know, there were a lot of smart and successful women in Islamic culture who have shown up after prophet Mohamed showed up, and there were a lot of Islamic books that talked about them, and what they did in the education field and other fields. The second thing is about women when they take care about their families. That does not mean they are not intelligent. When the women take care of their home and children, and provide a good atmosphere in their home, that means they are smart, because the men cannot do that. Also, when the men find all this care in his house, they will feel comfortable and perform better in their job. Therefore, I can consider the women are smart when they do all these things which are providing good atmosphere, raising their children, and making their homework in better way. I think the men and children will be smart and successful when they find all of these, and these are related to the smart women.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
He's Not as Smart as He Thinks
Raymond, J. (2008, January 23). He’s not as smart as he thinks. Newsweek. Retrieved March 30, 2011 from http://www.newsweek.com
In the article, the author talked about the difference between men and women. He mentioned that the men thought they are smarter than the women, but the researchers proved that they were equal in terms of IQ. The writer made an interview with Adrian Furnham, a professor of psychology, to investigate about this subject. According to the author, the professor said that the men got higher score on some skills such as spatial awareness, but the women got higher score in language development and emotional intelligence. Moreover, 30 international studies proved that the men overstated their intelligence when the women underplay it. Also, he mentioned two factors that were affecting perception which are the male hubris and female humility, and distribution of IQ. He showed that the men and the women thought the men were smarter across generations. Also, they thought their sons were smarter than their daughters. He discussed how parents sent wrong messages to their children about their abilities. When the professor saw the results of some schools, he found that girls did better than the boys, but the men and women thought the opposite. He mentioned that the men were more confident about their skills, so they thought that they were more clever and smarter. According to the author, the abilities or effort increases self-esteem, so the self-esteem training and therapy are not a good idea. He mentioned that the people always have a strong feeling about intelligence and gender.
I enjoyed this article because it is an interesting subject. Before I read this article, I thought that the men are more intelligent than the women because Saudi Arabia is a closed society, so the men are responsible about everything and the women just take care of the house and children. Therefore, the men are showing up their abilities to do everything, and the women just sit at home and do some little work, so the men become smarter than the women in this point, or this point shows you why some people think that the men are smarter than the women. After I read this article, I changed my mind, and I agreed with the author. Based on what I read, the men and women are equal. Moreover, some research studies show that the women are outperforming the men. In Saudi Arabia, you can find that the girls are doing better than the boys in the school, and this is similar to what the author said. Therefore, when you think about this topic, you will find that the men are intelligent in some things and the women are intelligent in other things, so the results will be equal between the men and the women. The last thing that I want to mention is arrogance. We do not have to be arrogant even if we are smarter than the other, but we could be more confident about our IQ. That is not wrong. In conclusion, I believe that if the men are smarter than the women, there will not be successful women, but that is not true because there are a lot of successful women who lead the world in different fields. There is an Arabic proverb that says “there is a great woman behind every great man”.